
Problem With Loneliness ch.12

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RoraShigoto's avatar

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I blinked my eyes open, only to close them again at the light that shone at them. Cautiously, I split open my right eye, letting it adjust to the light. As it did, my left eye followed suit.
Upon noticing a heavy object covering my body, I looked down to see, after counting, three large comforters and two quilts. I examined my surroundings thoroughly. I was lying on a large bed, on my left side. My head rested on two soft pillows. To the side of the bed was a nightstand with a lamp, the very one that blinded me. A clock was to the side of it, displaying the time 3:42 AM.

My eyes widened at it. My dad's going to kill me. He will rip my balls off and shove them down my throat. He will tear off my limbs one by one and leave me to bleed to death as he drinks a nice cup of coffee. He will decapitate-

"He's awake!" I gasped slightly at Demyx's voice. The blonde rushed to the bedside, bending his knees and leaning down to look at me. "Zexy, are you okay?"

As I opened my mouth to respond, another voice sounded and Demyx’s mother came rushing to beside her son.

"Zexion, here, hun, take this," she held a small clear, plastic cup filled with a dark purple liquid out to me. Obediently, my hand slid out from underneath the covers, the cold air biting at my skin. I grabbed the container and drank the thick syrup quickly, grimacing afterward. "Good," the blonde female said gently, "good."


"You're sick, Zexy!" Demyx exclaimed, pouting. "That was stupid of you, y'know! Just sitting in the rain like that!"

I groaned and nodded. "Thank you, Mrs. Suzumara," I said.

"Your welcome," she smiled at me, handing me a cup of water to help the taste in my mouth. "You should be better pretty soon. It's nothing too serious - just a small cold. Oh, and please, call me Akira. It makes me feel too old when you call me Mrs. Suzumara."

I nodded, grateful to be able to feel casual here. Not to mention, Demyx was kind of talking to me...

"So, what about the concert?" Demyx asked. The concert! My eyes widened some as I remembered. It was tonight, wasn't it? I mentally cursed myself for forgetting.

"Well," Akira though for a moment. "If we're lucky, he might be better by then. But, I kind of doubt it..."

Demyx gave a small, lopsided smile. Akira then put a hand to my head, mumbled something non-coherent, and left the room. I sighed and pulled the blankets over me again. A chilling aroma passed through me as I looked at Demyx. I couldn't explain it or understand why, however. So, I closed my eyes. I could no longer bear to look at the blonde. Not while his deep teal eyes were looking straight into mine, showing confusion, hurt, and desperation all at the same time. I swallowed as I heard him shift and stand up straight.

Opening my eyes, I blinked at him. "I'm sorry," I said, barely audible, even to my own ears.


"I'm sorry," I repeated, louder so he heard me clearly. "That's why I was out in the rain. I... I came to apologize. It was stupid of me to react that way. Irrational, senseless, ridiculous-"

"It's-It's okay," he mumbled, "I didn't expect you to... feel the same way or anything."

His eyes didn't meet mine at all. He was avoiding contact. The very thought made my chest ache.

Why won't he even glance at me? Let me see his oh-so-readable eyes. Let me at least feel like everything will be okay.

Reassure me -- like he always used to do.

"I guess," I began, stealing a quick look at the clock, "I guess it's a little late."

"Yeah, I should get some sleep." Without another word, he left me. Alone and hurt.


After Demyx left, I, too, fell asleep. It was 7:28 when I woke up again. My sleep was filled with a cruel dream and I found my self sweating slightly as my torso bounded up.

Demyx. Demyx, Demyx, Demyx. I couldn't get him out of my mind, apparently. In my dream, he was simply standing there - surrounded by darkness. I tried to reach out for him, but he only grew farther away from me. So I ran. And he drew away. The tables had turned and it was now me who was wanting - no, needing - him. And he was out of reach.

Shaking my head, I wiped my forehead with the back of my hand. The morning sun shone through the window, too bright for my tired eyes. My reaction would normally be to close the blinds and pull the blanket over my head, but today I simply sat up in bed and looked around Demyx's room.

My stomach, I noticed, didn't feel as bad as before, and my throat had a less sour taste, but I guessed it was because Demyx was no longer around. Although it didn't make me feel better, the information made me less jittery. I couldn't say or do the wrong thing to him of he wasn't here.

I reluctantly threw the covers to the side. The air stung at my skin, making goosebumps decorate my arms. I shuddered, but swung my legs over the side of the bed regardless. I saw that Demyx had laid some clothes over the back of his desk chair. I looked down at my own attire, then my face heated up some as I noticed I was wearing his (slightly too big) boxers and a plain white T-shirt with a hole in the left side of the chest.

Shaking it off, I stood and quickly pulled on the graphic blue shirt that was set out. The pants were much too baggy as I put them on. I walked out of Demyx's room, keeping hold of the waist of the blue jeans so they wouldn't slid off my waist.

"Good morning," Akira greeted me as I stepped down off the bottom stair. I took a right, walking into the kitchen. Akira was cooking breakfast hurriedly.

"Good morning," I mumbled. I sat down on a wooden stool at the bar, lying my head on the counter. "Going to the hospital today?"

(Akira was a doctor. She worked at Twilight Medical Center as a M.D.)

"Yes. Are you okay?" Akira questioned me.

"I'm fine," I assured her. "Fine, just," I let out a yawn mid-sentence and continued, "tired."

"Hello." A small blonde girl entered the kitchen, taking a seat beside. me. "Oh, Zexion, right?"

I nodded, remembering that Demyx had told me he had a little sister. "Yeah," I said, "And you're..." It took a short second for the name to come to me. "Namine?"

"Uh-huh! Are you feeling any better? I heard about last night."

"I am."

"Oh, good."

After that, we sat in pure silence. Namine took a nearby pen and began to doodle on a paper towel. I turned my attention to the counter, staring at the surface with little interest.

"Zexion," I looked up to Akira with tired eyes. "You don't mind pancakes, do you?"

As I shook my head, she smiled broadly. It was then that I saw who Demyx took after. Akira's smile was almost exactly like his. But it didn't drive me as crazy. It didn't make my world light up for the few moments it was there. But hers had something else, something that still made my own smile grace over my lips.


Demyx came down soon after, singing a song about being a superstar. He gave a lopsided grin as he sat down as the glass-topped dining table. I joined him, sitting to his left, and was followed by his sister.

"Someone's in a good mood this morning," Akira said, placing two plates down on the table. The loud clink made my ears hurt some, and I involuntarily winced. Demyx put one of the plates in front of me, careful not to clank the plate. I flashed him s small smile in gratefulness.

"So, Zexion, would you like to come to the hospital today so I can examine you? Maybe get you some medicine...?" I shook my head at Akira's question, bring my face up.

"You are kinda pallid," Namine said quietly. I shrugged, pulling my bangs behind my ear, and beginning to eat.

Breakfast was monotone. Constant conversation was exchanged between the Suzumara's. I stayed mostly quiet. My own family was never like this. Well, at least not since my mother died.

I didn't remember much about her. Kadaj told me a lot. He said that I have her eyes and her more calm nature. But that I also have her temper.

He said that when her and Dad argued, she always won. It made me wonder why I can't do that. Why I don't have her courage...

I looked over to Akira, wondering if our mother really was as wonderful as her. If our family really was once happy and carefree.

And I realized it couldn't be true.
A little insight.... >.<

Man... I'm so sorry that it's late! I've been so tired lately! All I do is sleep, school, sleep. I feel sick just thinkinkg about it. Blegh!

Long day, too. Long school day. Band pratice after school, then I slept.

So, this chapter is kinda a big deal. Its a base for the rest of the story I guess... and it sucked... DX

Sorry for any typoz and mispellings! I do not own any characters except for Akira.

© 2008 - 2024 RoraShigoto
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KiethyB's avatar
Pancakes sound really good right now..... XD Love Demmy's family!!